brokkoli(维京球迷):*的,还是我自己来吧——梅西 (Fuck it, I'll do it myself -Messi)
NeitherAlexNorAlice(尤文图斯球迷):当你背负整支阿根廷队,连硬拉都不用做就能拥有一个坚实的背部。(Who needs deadlifts when the entire Argentinian squad relies on your back.)
AJ7123(未知主队球迷):梅西赛后还是检查一下背部吧。(Messi has to get his back checked after this match.)
UnPhayzable(未知主队球迷):世界杯后梅西就成施瓦辛格了。(Hes gonna be looking like Arnold by the end of the world cup.)
Firstolympicring(墨西哥普马斯球迷):看到他在接球前在我们球门前得到那么大空间,我就知道完犊子了。你不能给他那么大空间。(Knew we were fucked as soon as a saw him with that much space facing the goal before the Di Maria pass . You simply can't give him that much freedom.)
RunnyRose(巴西球迷):死亡,交税,梅西凯瑞阿根廷队。(Death, taxes, Messi carrying Argentina.)
siva_pc(意大利球迷):“传给梅西”毕竟不是个很烂的战术。('Pass to Messi' isn't a bad tactic after all.)
sahyl97(巴萨球迷):很可能是最有效的战术。(Probably the most effective tactic.)
t_mac1(巴萨球迷):如果阿根廷每场比赛都能找到梅西给他80次以上的触球机会,他们就能赢世界杯冠军。(if Arg can find Messi and give him 80+ touches a match, they will win the WC.)
nhatthongg(未知主队球迷):他只需要一点点空间,还有0.5秒时间,天才。(All he needed were a tiny bit of space and 0.5 seconds. Genius.)
HurricaneHugo(墨西哥球迷)(未知主队球迷):我也是。(Just like me.)
nhatthongg:深表同情。(My condolences)
Jaimalaugenou(梅斯球迷):害得是他啊。(Had to be him.)
UnderpantsGnomezz(利物浦球迷):换别人可能就搞砸了。(Someone else might have gotten it wrong.)
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